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Oregon Trail X v2.0


Ranked as 2854 on our all-time top downloads list with 9279 downloads.
Ranked as 3174 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename oregon2x.zip (Download)
Title Oregon Trail X v2.0
Description Very similar to the computer game, OregonX includes hunting (decent for a BASIC game), meeting with Indians, crossing rivers, forts, food, health, random findings and disasters, injuries/diseases, and a "List of Legends." You can also set the pace and rations for your wagon, and can change them at any time throughout the game. In addition, you can enter your own names for your wagon members once you have proven yourself worthy by beating the game. OregonX has been tested extensively and has been proven to be bug-free. The game is large (18K) but it can be archived when not in use. Much improved from previous versions, and infinitely better than the other Oregon Trail games I've seen on ticalc.org -- seriously not even comparable. Please e-mail me and tell me what you thought of the game at pshyft@mail.com. UPDATE: All bugs fixed.
Author Pshyft (pshyft@mail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Text Adventure)
File Size 15,663 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 6 19:27:01 2004
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
OREGONX.8xp   18221
OT1.gif   2609
OT2.gif   2621
OT3.gif   1980
OT4.gif   1885

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