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Grayscale Adjuster


Ranked as 23132 on our all-time top downloads list with 2594 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename grayadjuster.zip (Download)
Title Grayscale Adjuster
Description This is a very helpful grayscale adjuster. Because everyone's calc's contrast is different, it allows you to adjust your contrast for you. Great for after a crash. If you don't have ticonnect, it will be dificult to put on your calc, because it is 89z.
Author W Hibdon (sobertillnoon@sobertillnoon.com)
Category Voyage 200 BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 235,411 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Apr 18 04:38:44 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/English/Flib Functions.89t   23273
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/English/Flib Functions.89y   14202
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/English/Flib Functions.html   51139
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/English/Readme.html   26362
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Examples_eng.txt   3271
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Exemples.89g   24822
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Exemples.9xg   24822
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Exemples_fr.txt   3635
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Othello/Lisez-moi.txt   6988
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Othello/Othello.89g   7925
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Othello/Othello.bmp   16440
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Othello/Readme.txt   5332
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Othello/screen0.gif   2541
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Othello/screen1.gif   1566
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Othello/screen2.gif   1843
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Exemples/Othello/screen3.gif   1927
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Flib.89z   8157
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Flib.9xz   8161
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Flib2.89z   7981
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Flib2.9xz   7981
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Francais/Flib Aide.89t   26747
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Francais/Flib Aide.89y   16276
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Francais/Fonctions Flib.html   57569
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Francais/Lisez-moi.html   30138
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/Anniversaire1.gif   8070
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/Anniversaire2.gif   8090
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/Anniversaire3.gif   5548
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/enstb.gif   6637
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/FLasse.gif   893
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/flib0.gif   2552
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/flib1.gif   3452
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/FLkomp.gif   1924
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/fond.jpg   2220
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/Othello.gif   1252
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/html data/son.gif   2317
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/M…j.txt   3342
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Utils/Image creator/Images.89z   5573
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Utils/Image creator/Images.c   24148
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Utils/Image creator/Images.tpr   285
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Utils/Image creator/Lisez-moi.txt   77
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Utils/Utils.89g   3123
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Utils/Utils.9xg   3123
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Utils/Utils_eng.txt   1758
Gray Adjuster/flib/Flib/Utils/Utils_fr.txt   2012
Gray Adjuster/Gray..bmp   51798
Gray Adjuster/gray.89p   780
Gray Adjuster/info.txt   622
Gray.gif   4527

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