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HibView 0.1 gb


Ranked as 743 on our all-time top downloads list with 20751 downloads.
Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 262 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.24.

Filename hibview01gb.zip (Download)
Title HibView 0.1 gb
Description HibView is a program that is enable to read text very fast and can read every formats of Txtrider, it reads the pictures too and strings. For those who don't konw TxtRider, HibView is a text reader: it reads the textes normaly written in the Ti-OS editor, but faster and allow text format as underline, vector, the insertion of picture, pretty-print expression and hypertext link. The read of PIC and STR files has nothing particular. The text reading is improved comparing to TxtRider. HibView have draw in a normal way exposant (we couldn't have exposant of font 3 in TxtRider): with it, there is indice #D. There is the conjugate format too : #J. Finaly, there is a support of hypertext link: you include the name of a text of you calculator in a text; a number will be shown at the drawing of the text; then, you tape the number of the link and HibView will open the linked text. HibView can support the ziplib and Komp compressions : so you can compress your files with the incorporated tools and read compressed files while getting some memory space.
Author Nicolas Lalevée (hibou@bonbon.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 116,972 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 15 20:46:48 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
hibview.89z   51297
hibview.9xz   51297
readme.txt   6934
hibhelp.txt   9977
ppg/hibview.9xy   27406
ppg/hibview.9xz   1793
ppg/hibview.89y   27406
ppg/hibview.89z   1793

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