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DodgeBall 2.0


Ranked as 2734 on our all-time top downloads list with 9472 downloads.
Ranked as 4626 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename dodge2.zip (Download)
Title DodgeBall 2.0
Description It's back and it's better than ever!!! Version 2 now includes two speeds, BOMBS, a much-improved "OR" graphics routine, and more! Check it out!
Author Yohan Shminge! (null@invalid.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 7,321 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Apr 17 01:07:27 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Jonathan Martin
Reviewed on 2005-11-26
This is a pretty cool dodge ball program. It doesn't brag on about all of those useless features, it really gets to the point. You are the little dude at the bottom of the screen. There are 5 balls coming toward you at once. You have to dodge them. And there are little + that let you blow up all of the balls on the screen. This is a really cool game, try it!

Controls-9/10 Obvious
Memory-10/10 Small
Usage-10/10 Challenging and fun
Overall-10/10 Try it!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ReadMe.txt   2464
dodge2.z80   12215
DODGE2.83P   1770
dodge2.8xp   1772

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