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Ranked as 2749 on our all-time top downloads list with 9426 downloads.
Ranked as 3312 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename nibbles.zip (Download)
Title Nibbles
Description Ported from Fargo 0.1.x by Gael Queri. Nibbles clone for the TI-92. Features ten levels. Required libraries: flib.
Author Gael Queri (porter) (gqueri@mail.dotcom.fr)
Category TI-92 Assembly Games (Fargo II)
File Size 5,713 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jan 14 02:16:00 1998
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Andy Selle
Reviewed on 2004-11-20
Attention span: 9/10 Almost as good as tetris!
Controls: 5/10 VERY awkward
Implementation: 6/10 The blocks need to be smaller
Overall: 6/10 Needs some improvement... but I applaud the author for releasing the source.

Nibbles is the game where you control a snake and you must eat all the pieces of food to get to the next level. As you eat more food, the length of the snake increases. If the snake runs into itself or the wall you lose a life. You need to have good timing on your turns, because you often need to make them in a split second.

This version of Nibbles is decent, but it isn't very good. First, the blocks are too big. Therefore, the board is too small. Second, the controls are set up odd. You can either use the direction-pad or the number keys 8,4,5,6. The direction-pad is not very responsive (not the programmers fault). The number keys are arranged awkardly. In fairness to the author, the source is included, so one could configure the keys they want. With a few minor improvements this version of the game could me much better.


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