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Super Baseball 2003


Ranked as 480 on our all-time top downloads list with 26912 downloads.
Ranked as 3842 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename baseball03.zip (Download)
Title Super Baseball 2003
Description I have played all the BASIC baseball games and Baseball '99 for Mirage on ticalc.org for the TI-83/TI-83+, and in my opinion, none is as good as this baseball game. Super Baseball 2003 includes two teams (AL and NL all-stars) with a 9-man lineup and 4-man pitching staff for each team, and both 1P and 2P options. Additional options include # of innings, CPU difficulty, and five pitching difficulties (ranging from an easy mode for those starting out to a very difficult mode which I have yet to master). Unlike all other baseball games I have seen, Super Baseball 2003 uses two simultaneous batting views: (1) overhead, and (2) from the catcher's view, which is shown in Screen02. The batting mode is incredibly addicting -- in easy mode, there are only three possible pitches: fastball, curveball, and screwball. This expands to seven in the difficult mode (each pitcher has his own individual assortment of pitches): fastball, curveball, screwball, slider, splitter, knuckleball, and a wicked change-up. A must-download baseball game. See readme.txt for more information. Please e-mail me with comments/suggestions at pshyft@mail.com. Screen02: The batter, swinging early and low, strikes out. NOTE: This game will only run properly on black TI-83+s. The pitches will move too fast on TI-83+ Silver/Blue calculators. UPDATE: All bugs fixed.
Author Pshyft (pshyft@mail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Sports)
File Size 14,241 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 6 19:27:06 2004
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
BASEBALX.8xp   2521
readme.txt   1056
ZBALL1.8xp   2134
ZBALL2.8xp   1417
ZBALL3.8xp   6834
ZBALL4.8xp   2426
Screen01.gif   2510
Screen02.gif   2042
Screen03.gif   1830
Screen04.gif   2039

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