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Lotus: The ultimate chalange, Beta


Ranked as 15740 on our all-time top downloads list with 3497 downloads.
Ranked as 5873 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename lotus.zip (Download)
Title Lotus: The ultimate chalange, Beta
Description The Lotus game in TI-89!! The animated screenshoot is not very good, sorry. Is only a beta but is fully functional, enjoy!!
Author José Sousa (ze88802605@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Arcade/Racing)
File Size 107,348 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 27 01:33:55 2003
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Alex M
Reviewed on 2005-02-27
I remember I played a “Lotus Turbo Challenge” game on my TI-86, but that one was written in ASM. It's admirable that someone wrote such a game in BASIC, despite getting some help from FLIB. Of course, this game is slower than the ASM 86 one, and less complex.

I think that this game has a quite a few issues, even for a beta. When you quit the program, your home screen gets messed up with random gibberish, though maybe that's because I have an 89 Titanium that is not compatible with my version of FLIB. You cannot win or lose a game; you just lose. I am not quite sure if this type of game can be made as successfully in BASIC as other types of games. Of course, FLIB does help a lot, but it's just not enough to give this game the speed it needs.

This game is only a beta, but with almost two years since its last public update, it's probably going to remain this way. “Lotus” in BASIC is a bold and daring project. Only for having the courage to try to do this in BASIC, the author deserves our respect. I give this a 5/10.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
lotus.plmovie1.89i   155
lotus.flib.89z   8157
lotus.lotus.89p   2979
lotus.plcar.89i   128
lotus.plintro.89i   1075
ANIM89.gif   125121
lotus.plmovie2.89i   155
lotus.plmovie3.89i   675
lotus.plmovie4.89i   199
lotus.plmovie5.89i   375
lotus.plrock1.89i   137
lotus.plrock2.89i   106
lotus.plrock3.89i   101
lotus.plsign1.89i   137
lotus.plsign2.89i   106
lotus.plsign3.89i   101
lotus.pltree1.89i   137
lotus.pltree2.89i   106
lotus.pltree3.89i   100
lotus.render1.89p   1596
lotus.render2.89p   970
lotus.render3.89p   930
lotus.render4.89p   570
rEADmE.txt   563

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