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Ranked as 14170 on our all-time top downloads list with 3763 downloads.
Ranked as 15401 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename minezz.zip (Download)
Title MineZ
Description MineZ is a game where you must make it to the stairs without hitting mines hidden in the gameboard. Every time you make it the amount of MineZ increases and so does your score. You have tools that will help you pass through the mineZ with ease. A flash quickly reveals the hidden MineZ, a detonator destroys a nearby mine, and an explorer explores the gamefield leaving behind a safe trail of passage. MineZ has superb graphics, High score, and low memory requirements.UPDATE:Fixed some file bugs and speed issues. And of course it only comes to you from OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe!! DOWNLOAD NOW!!! visit www.outerlimit.tk for a complete message board and game downloads!
Author Bryan Thomas (olsoft83@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Maze)
File Size 9,650 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Sep 7 19:21:07 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
MineZ read.txt   2124
ZTUTOR.8xp   2925
MINEZ.8xp   2089
Pic5.8xi   832
ZDETONAT.83p   778
ZDETONAT.8xp   825
ZEXPLORE.83p   623
ZEXPLORE.8xp   639
ZFLASH.83p   165
ZFLASH.8xp   167
ZSCORE.83p   481
ZSCORE.8xp   552
ZSRESET.83p   101
zsreset.8xp   103
ZTUTOR.83p   1984
minez.83p   2015

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