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Pokemon Red version 2.5 re-release


Ranked as 45 on our all-time top downloads list with 122533 downloads.
Ranked as 43 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 39 downloads.
Ranked as 331 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.12.

Filename pkmn.zip (Download)
Title Pokemon Red version 2.5 re-release
Description I forgot to update the manual! Silly me!. This is the final, absolute, complete version of Pokemon without errors. This version fixes minor errors including the mysterious Str8 error. I also did some extra programming. Now there is a optional 'patch' for this game called QuickLevel. Enjoy!
Author YK (N/A)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Pokémon)
File Size 48,143 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 21 01:11:09 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Barry McNamara
Reviewed on 2012-09-19
Gameplay: 3/5

The gameplay isn't really THAT good with various attacks missing (each Pokemon has one or two basic attacks, one for each type) but it is a Pokemon game so I can't help but to like it.

Graphics: 2/5

The graphics are minimal, but the animated HP bars are a nice touch.

Controls: 3/5

It's not much fun to control.

Interface: 1/5

This file is WAY TOO LARGE. My TI-84+ can barely run it when I have everything else archived. If you play for too long you get ERR:MEMORY and there isn't enough memory to get through the elite four. And to make this worse, it's a BASIC file with tons of tiny sub-programs so if you lose one or archive the wrong one the whole thing doesn't work. I hate games what make you compromise math functions for games. And the menus aren't much fun either (although I do appreciate the Pikachu picture)

Replayability: 2/5

If you're a pokemon nerd you might come back to it but the file is annoying to have and it's a lot more fun to catch 'em all on a gameboy. There is link play but I don't see a lot of battles going on.

Average: 2.2/5

Overall: 2/5

Only play this if you really like Pokemon.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pokemon Red 2.5/Pic8.8xi   832
Pokemon Red 2.5/PKMNRED.8xg   16601
Pokemon Red 2.5/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/readme.txt   378
Pokemon Red 2.5/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/ZPF.8xp   2132
Pokemon Red 2.5/Pokemon.ttf   48072
Pokemon Red 2.5/Readme Pokemon Red.htm   84146
Pokemon Red 2.5/ZM.8xp   1820
Pokemon Red 2.5/ZPF.8xp   2131
Pokemon Red 2.5/ZTOWN.8xp   3430

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