EMBY^2 OS Beta .75 Demo
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emby2os.75beta.zip (Download)
EMBY^2 OS Beta .75 Demo
EMBY^2 OS is the most challenging project I've ever done. I started working on this Windows like emulator after seeing Ginny OS, EINSTEIN, and a few other Windows Explorer kind of things. Don't get me wrong- they did a great job-- greyscale and all. I just noticed they were real limited, prone to bugs, and sometimes "choppy". Enter EMBY^2 OS. Another distinguishing part of the Project is that it is all in TI Basic-- not assembly. Okay, I lied. I use libraries to get some assembly routines. But I didn't make them. FLIB, FLIB2, and a little EXTFUNC are used. Other than that, it's pure Basic. Check it out; it has a start menu index of all programs on your calculator, a text and image viewer, as well as a calculator and a system resources box. Search the calculator for a file. Run programs from the Project. In all, be amazed, and have fun.
Matt_Burke@baylor.edu (matt_burke@baylor.edu)
TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size
34,815 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Mar 22 00:21:31 2003
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