Edit3D v 0.97 for Ti92+
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Edit3D v 0.97 for Ti92+
Edit3D (the new name of 'SolidWorks') is a powerful editor,yet simple to use,that allows you to create quite sophisticated 3D Objects,from the simple cube up to the Formula One with more 300 triangles (see screenshots).The program is divided in two parts: the Edit Zone,where you draw your object,enter its depth...and the 3D Display Zone when you can see the Object you create in Real Time 3D,you can turn it,make it back and forth... You can display your object in wire-frame (fast),or in a solid form (no hidden surfaces),with the ability of using the Z-BUFFER technic and Textured Mode for a better display ! Note that you can put on each polygon a specific texture,you made with TEXTURE MAKER (avaible at ticalc.org/ti89/asm/graphic)... You can also see your Object in a Subjective view,as in Doom-Like Games! This last version allows you to export your files as Ships for 'Space Dementia' a 3D action game avaible in this site. NOTE , this version fixes the crash that appeared when you left the editor...
David Coz (coz.hubert@infonie.fr)
TI-92 Plus Assembly Graphics Programs
File Size
216,235 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Oct 26 17:00:01 2003
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Archive Contents
readme.htm | 28530 |
exptextb.jpg | 12516 |
test.gif | 970 |
ban.gif | 5071 |
screen1.gif | 2734 |
screen2.gif | 2726 |
screen3.gif | 1797 |
screen4.gif | 1959 |
Hystoric.txt | 9466 |
Examples/CAGE.9xy | 450 |
Examples/CAGE2.9xy | 798 |
Examples/CAR.9xy | 626 |
Examples/CAR2.9xy | 829 |
Examples/CUBE.9xy | 334 |
Examples/CUBE2.9xy | 885 |
Examples/D1.9xy | 366 |
Examples/D2.9xy | 366 |
Examples/D3.9xy | 366 |
Examples/D4.9xy | 366 |
Examples/D5.9xy | 366 |
Examples/D6.9xy | 366 |
Examples/DICE.9xy | 205 |
Examples/F1.9xy | 1130 |
Examples/MYHOUSE.9xy | 560 |
Examples/PLANE.9xy | 496 |
Examples/PYRAMID.9xy | 305 |
Examples/SIMPLE.9xy | 160 |
Examples/SPECIAL.9xy | 641 |
Examples/STAR.9xy | 276 |
Examples/T1.9xy | 632 |
Examples/T2.9xy | 632 |
Examples/T3.9xy | 578 |
Examples/T6.9xy | 390 |
Examples/T7.9xy | 420 |
Examples/TANK.9xy | 396 |
Examples/TEST.9xy | 148 |
Examples/TRAIN.9xy | 580 |
Examples/VIPER.9xy | 1106 |
edit3d.9xy | 28397 |
edit3d.9xz | 1720 |
EDIT3D_source/3D_display_sw92.h | 39522 |
EDIT3D_source/clock_sw92.h | 864 |
EDIT3D_source/edit3d.9xy | 28397 |
EDIT3D_source/edit3d.9xz | 1720 |
EDIT3D_source/edit3d.c | 52177 |
EDIT3D_source/edit3d.o | 108031 |
EDIT3D_source/edit3d.tpr | 1329 |
EDIT3D_source/edit3d.v2y | 28397 |
EDIT3D_source/edit3d.v2z | 1720 |
EDIT3D_source/functions_sw92.h | 9741 |
EDIT3D_source/options_sw92.h | 2839 |
EDIT3D_source/sprite_sw92.h | 1166 |
EDIT3D_source/title_sw92.h | 21744 |