SwearO Wrestling V4.0
Ranked as 14001 on our all-time top downloads list with 3800 downloads. Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
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SwearO Wrestling V4.0
File Stats: 12994 Bytes of free ram/arc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are looking at this file, then you are certanely into wrestling. This is the best wrestling game out there on my Opinion. The Reason you may ask? Because this game gives u all the things that could happen in a normal wrestling match. (maybe just a little more extreme) This game features no graphics sadley, but does feature a variety of moves including grapple, punches, kicks, HC moves, Whip Moves, and a referee that you can knock out, but if you use a weapon while he is not he wil DQ you from the match. This game also features a stats page after your match, showing you our wins/losses, your total matches played, your wins percentage, the number of moves you have played and the number of illegal moves you have used, and also your Swear-O Score which will be used to determine if your on the highscore list, or not! Plus a revolutionary new feature is the title matches you can choose a title to go after, face that champion, and if you win, you become that champion! You can be *ANY* Wrestler you want, and have *ANY* finisher you want, because you input what you want and who you want, the game will even save the last wrestler inuted, and ask you if you want to use it! Plus theres more! You can input what kind of match you want, AND how you want the match to end! The match you input will ALSO be saved for the next match and the game will ask if you want to use it!This is a Must Download for anyone owning a TI-83+, and loves Wrestling games, because it has ALL the features a normal wrestling match would have! DOWNLOAD SWEARO WRESTLING V4.0 TODAY!
Tristan lueking (boyaaa85@hotmail.com)
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Sports)
File Size
11,317 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Mar 15 01:20:20 2003
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