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Monopoly v 1.11


Ranked as 832 on our all-time top downloads list with 19219 downloads.
Ranked as 3237 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename monopolyfull.zip (Download)
Title Monopoly v 1.11
Description The one, true, untouchable, uncheatable, unbelievible game of Monopoly. The newest and latest version: 1.10, and it has everything it had before and some new functions too! This version combines the Monopoly with names and the Monopoly with Tokens version to allow you to play with either one! It also saves all your variables and names! It has been worked, tilled, and evaluated, and I was able to make it smaller than the first release of Monopoly while increasing its speed, decreasing size, and it uses less memory while in use as well! It has the most efficent programming ever! I personally went thru the entire program and played it with every possible variable, something my other Monopoly programs lacked. It's all here, from trading to Luxury Tax. This is the program that sets the standard for all Monpoly programs. Never to be duplicated, never to be tried. For 2-8 players. Download it now before TiCalc.org's servers are overloaded!
Author Snyper aka March McLaughlin (thesnyper@aol.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Board)
File Size 20,906 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 19 20:54:48 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Stephen Jenkins
Reviewed on 2009-04-09
I could not get this to run on my TI-84 SE. I archived everything, and when I tried to ungroup the game, it took up all of my memory, and I had to delete every file, and it took a lot of time to delete everything, so I could unarchive again.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MONOPOLY.8XG   14488
PIC1.8XI   832
Monopoly.txt   1005
IN.8XP   140
M0.8XP   176
M1.8XP   97
M2.8XP   528
M3.8XP   96
M4.8XP   225
M5.8XP   127
M6.8XP   1093
M7.8XP   415
M8.8XP   580
M9.8XP   753
MA.8XP   162
MB.8XP   1198
MC.8XP   160
MD.8XP   91
ME.8XP   456
MF.8XP   149
NS.8XP   106
NT.8XP   89
SL.8XP   252
ZA.8XP   99

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