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Matthew's Minigames


Ranked as 29911 on our all-time top downloads list with 1885 downloads.
Ranked as 32297 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename mminigames.zip (Download)
Title Matthew's Minigames
Description Five fun minigames, using up only 2083 of your calculator's precious bytes of memory: Berries, Dodge, Falldown, Kamakazi and Starduel. All are very fast for BASIC games. In Berries, you attempt to collect as many Berries as possible in an amount of time, getting bonus time for each berry. The object of Dodge is to dodge each object(I'm good with puns, aren't I!). Freefall is a game in which you attempt to fall down without crashing into the walls. In Kamakazi, you shoot down the enemy kamakazi planes without them crashing into you. Starduel is a battle between you and an enemy starship; try to shoot it as many times as possible without it hitting you. Despite being files intended for the TI-83, they should work fine on the TI-83+ and be included in Mirage. What are you waiting for? Download them. They're so small yet so fun!
Author Matthew Romney (romneyfamily@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Collections)
File Size 2,249 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Mar 10 02:01:30 2003
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
BERRIES.83p   440
DODGE.83p   440
FREEFALL.83p   414
KAMAKAZI.83p   569
STARDUEL.83p   492

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