Windows 98 PLUS
Ranked as 1546 on our all-time top downloads list with 13067 downloads. Ranked as 4846 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Review by
Jeoffri Davis
Reviewed on
Suitability: 8/10 It's very multi-purposed. Ease-Of-Use: 10/10 Quick response to keys pressed. Overall: 9/10 Useful!
Windows 98 Plus, amazingly, is actually a BASIC program! It looks extrememly similar to an assembly program, but you can tell it is BASIC by the amount of memory it zaps on your 86.
Quality or Memory?: You decide. As far as the quality of the program goes, it's great. I have to say that Paul worked hard on this program. His program is a great similarity to the actual Windows 98; you get screens, games, and school programs. (All of these will be later discussed in this review.) Now if you don't want your whole 86's memory taken up, look somewhere else; after putting Windows 98 Plus on my calculator, including Aurora Shell and Jezzball, my calculator only had 3,901 bytes of RAM left. That's pretty bare! But like I said before, "Quality or Memory?"
The Feel: Paul designed Windows 98 Plus to give you the actual feel of the real version. You may not be able to minmize or maximize the screens, but hey, the TI 86 is limited. :) He did a good job with the screens and he even included a component similar to the control panel! You can get password protection, wallpaper, contrast changing, and more. Also, when you exit Windows 98 Plus, you get a screen with the option of: 1.Go back to Windows 98 or 2.Shutdown Windows 98. If you choose #2, you receive a message letting you know it's safe to turn your 86 off.
Games!: His gmes include Breakout, Tetris, Bolderdash, Pacman 98, South Park, 3d Race, Sqrxz, Nibbles 86, and more. (Basically the popular and most loved games.)
School: School getting you down? Well, this nifty program can help those grades a bit. Windows 98 Plus includes science and math programs, as well as an organizer to help keep track of homework. There are so many school features, you'll just have to read all of them in the "read me" file included in the zip archive.
Miscellaneous: Misc. features include the ability to chat between two TI 86s and MS Word98 (not finished.) Some features in Windows 98 Plus are not finished yet, but are listed as choices so if you get a code 14 error "Undefined" you'll know why.
Password Protection: A quick note for those who intend on using the password feature: If you turn the password on, Windows 98 Plus has a built in password; "98". (Without the quotation marks.) You can change the password later if you like.
Conclusion: Well, that's it. Just remember, "Quality or Memory?" and I'm sure you'll find the right programs to put on your 86. |
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