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Ranked as 21200 on our all-time top downloads list with 2799 downloads.
Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename stratego.zip (Download)
Title Stratego
Description This is a multiplayer (using link cable) Stratego board game designed for the TI-89. The program includes complete rules for playing Stratego, and intermediate help screens are included. The program includes the ability to save games and setups as well as an autosave feature. Any combination of the three Tournament Rules proposed by the Stratego manual, Rescue, Aggressor Advantage, and Silent Defense, can be used. It uses a graphical interface. The GDB called 'pixel' must be in the 'main' folder and the remaining files, except for the program itself, must be located in the 'stratego' folder.
Author William Jacobs (trekkie@mit.edu)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Board/Strategy)
File Size 17,113 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 9 09:14:32 2003
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
stratego.pic3.89i   101
main.pixel.89d   270
stratego.pic0.89i   101
stratego.pic1.89i   101
stratego.pic10.89i   101
stratego.pic11.89i   101
stratego.pic2.89i   101
games.stratego.89p   28608
stratego.pic4.89i   101
stratego.pic5.89i   101
stratego.pic6.89i   101
stratego.pic7.89i   101
stratego.pic8.89i   101
stratego.pic9.89i   101
stratego.picb1.89i   102
stratego.picb10.89i   109
stratego.picb11.89i   119
stratego.picb2.89i   102
stratego.picb3.89i   102
stratego.picb4.89i   102
stratego.picb5.89i   102
stratego.picb6.89i   102
stratego.picb7.89i   102
stratego.picb8.89i   102
stratego.picb9.89i   102
stratego.picberas.89i   716
stratego.picd.89i   101
stratego.pice.89i   101
stratego.piceinfo.89i   383
stratego.picenemy.89i   127
stratego.picerase.89i   102
stratego.picet.89i   167
stratego.picfull.89i   101
stratego.pichelp.89i   158
stratego.picl.89i   101
stratego.piclost.89i   130
stratego.picmyst.89i   102
stratego.picnum0.89i   102
stratego.picnum1.89i   102
stratego.picr.89i   101
stratego.picsetup.89i   665
stratego.picsinfo.89i   383
stratego.picslash.89i   100
stratego.picstrat.89i   734
stratego.pictied.89i   116
stratego.picu.89i   101
stratego.picvish.89i   99
stratego.picvisv.89i   103
stratego.picwait.89i   143
stratego.picwon.89i   116
stratego.picyour.89i   116
stratego.picyt.89i   167

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