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Gran Turismo 2


Ranked as 1148 on our all-time top downloads list with 15527 downloads.

Filename gt2a.zip (Download)
Title Gran Turismo 2
Description The name says all, many cars (around 100 in fact), several tracks, 3d engine, licences and other modes like the original GT2, the GT3 is currently under development.
Author José Sousa (ze88802605@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Racing)
File Size 10,763 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 9 02:53:22 2003
Documentation Included? No


Review by  Kevin Ouellet
Reviewed on 2007-11-06
Graphics: 6/10 I think the road curves should be made using more lines so they look more real and you see them appear. It flickers a lot but it's because it was made using no ASM libraries

Gameplay/controls: 6/10 not too bad but you only move left/right. It is very fast, though

Features: 8/10 Quite a lot of cars and other features that justify the program file size and amount of sub routines

Replay value: 5/10 it is kinda repetitive after a while

Overall: 6/10 not a bad attempt, but could use some improvements. This is way better than some other stuff I've seen in pure BASIC though.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
GT2TRK2.8XG   1405
GT2PIC3.8XG   3932
GT2EXE5.8XG   7751
GT2CARS.8XG   11313
Gran turismo.txt   3365

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