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ChemUtils Pro


Ranked as 2166 on our all-time top downloads list with 10736 downloads.
Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename chemutilspro.zip (Download)
Title ChemUtils Pro
Description ChemUtils is a collection of two functions, "moles", and "grams." Both functions have the following syntax: function("chemical formula,n") The moles function returns the number of moles of a given (n) number of grams. The grams function returns the number of grams in a given (n) number of moles. The molecular weight data is not cropped to 3 decimal places, like you see on many periodic tables. The data is provided to as many decimal places as are known. The molecular weight data included in the program is from a reliable source (Kentek Laser Company), but you can use your own molecular weight data, if, for example, you want to have identical numbers to your chemistry classmates, who are all using the table in the textbook, which has idosyncratic molecular weight listings. Because these utilities are FUNCTIONS, you can use them in calculations. For example, you could enter grams("C6H12O6")+grams("H2O,3") on the entry line to get the molecular weight of one mole of glucose and 3 moles of water. Most other utilities like these are programs; they will display the result on the screen, but you can't use it in a calculation just like you can use any other claculator function (e.g. log(),sin(),cos()etc.) This takes the busy-work out of all those boring stoichiometry probkems on chemistry tests. No more squinting at the tiny atomic weights on the big periodic table in the front of the class room.
Author Neil Jackson (neil.jackson@duke.edu)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Chemistry)
File Size 13,056 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 9 01:57:56 2003
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
UTILINST.89P   6799
chemical info.xls   23552
sendstr.89z   161
kbdprgm for moles.89P   178
grams.89P   1809
kbdprgm for grams.89P   178
moles.89P   1811
moveleft.89z   129
readme.txt   2356
screen shot.gif   1067

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