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Advanced TI-83 Calculator v1.0


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Filename atc.zip (Download)
Title Advanced TI-83 Calculator v1.0
Description ATC is a mathematical program with lots of formulas and functions. These are some of the features: * ATC always gives you the exact answer if possible * Built-in APD (automatic powerdown) that will turn off/lock the TI-83 after approximately one minute of inactivity * Change the contrast by pressing [+] or [-] * Conversion of bases, concentration, temperature and time * Four different hot keys give you the ability to instantaneously quit ATC, jump to the main menu or the calculations menu and turn off the TI-83/lock the TI-83 * Five different options will tailor ATC according to your needs and wishes * Hints at the bottom of the screen give you valuable information * Lots of formulas for equations, geometry, progressions and stationary points * Newton-Raphson algorithms can solve many equations and can also find many stationary points and tell you if it is a maximum, minimum or a point of inflection! * Useful functions such as changing protection, inverting the graph screen and locking the TI-83 (it can only be unlocked with your own four-digit code)
Author Arash Sanamrad (arash.sanamrad@swipnet.se)
Category TI-83 Assembly Math Programs
File Size 10,458 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 7 05:44:09 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ATC.txt   12054
ATC.83G   8747

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