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Scorecard 5.15


Ranked as 13567 on our all-time top downloads list with 3882 downloads.
Ranked as 5657 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename scorecard5.15.zip (Download)
Title Scorecard 5.15
Description Scorecard 5.15 is the newest, totally re-designed version of scorecard. This program is a simple scoring machine for card games and the like. This program was written to accommodate an infinite number of players and rounds however due to the limitations of the calculator, it will more then likely only allow an entry of up to 999 players or until the memory is used up. For all practical purposes, there should be more then plenty of room for any number of entries.
Author Curtis Garman (curtisg83@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Game Tools)
File Size 167,876 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 7 03:50:17 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Scorecard 5.15.89P   5371
Scorecard Readme.htm   46052
Scorecard Readme_files/image001.gif   191
Scorecard Readme_files/image002.gif   6374
Scorecard Readme_files/image003.gif   17518
Scorecard Readme_files/image004.gif   9758
Scorecard Readme_files/image005.gif   10226
Scorecard Readme_files/image006.gif   14270
Scorecard Readme_files/image007.gif   13285
Scorecard Readme_files/image008.gif   9613
Scorecard Readme_files/image009.gif   18735
Scorecard Readme_files/image010.gif   20788
Scorecard Readme_files/image011.gif   13791
Scorecard Readme_files/image012.gif   12352
Scorecard Readme_files/image013.gif   8238
Scorecard Readme_files/image014.gif   18544
Scorecard Readme_files/image015.gif   22473
Scorecard Readme_files/image016.gif   178
Scorecard Readme_files/filelist.xml   656
Scorecard Readme_files/Thumbs.db   68096

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