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Text Utilities


Ranked as 33258 on our all-time top downloads list with 1479 downloads.

Filename texttool.zip (Download)
Title Text Utilities
Description This is a collection of small text utilities that are very useful. Included are programs for real to string conversion (64 bytes), string to real conversion (27 bytes), a full TI85 character map (748 bytes), edit locking, number to ASCII character conversion (37 bytes), character to ASCII value conversion (70 bytes), and a text to graph program (478 bytes) that can be customized with the included editor program. All programs are setup to run as subroutines from your own programs but can also be ran by themselves if need be. For instance, storing a number to R and running/calling Real2Str will return the number in string variable S, CharMap will return the chosen character in variable CHAR, etc.The included documentation shows the inputs(s) and output(s) of each routine as well as which variables are destroyed and example usage of the routine. All of the routines are extremely small and, aside from the GrafTxt, are very fast (if you can say that about a TI-BASIC program).
Author Ryan Taylor (ratnin@juno.com)
Category TI-85 BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 5,167 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Mar 4 17:47:55 2003
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
TextTool/CHARMAP.85P   809
TextTool/CHARVAL.85P   131
TextTool/ASCII.85S   328
TextTool/GETCHAR.85P   96
TextTool/REAL2STR.85P   125
TextTool/STR2REAL.85P   89
TextTool/EDITLOCK.85S   81
TextTool/CharMap.txt   1152
TextTool/TextUtil.txt   6062

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