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Ranked as 35038 on our all-time top downloads list with 1227 downloads.

Filename graftxt.zip (Download)
Title GrafTxt
Description GrafTxt is a small (478 bytes) utility for displaying text on the graph screen. GrafTxt is not meant to be a stand alone program. It is meant to be called from another program to handle all graph text duties. The calling program simply stores the text and coordinates and GrafTxt then writes the text to the indicated coordinates on the graph screen. It includes an editor for creating new character archives or adding new characters to existing archives. Several character archives are already included from only uppercase letters (173 bytes) to a large 171 character archive (1052 bytes). By creating your own archives a programmer can package their program with GrafTxt and the custom archive for maximum memory savings. Also included is a character map utility/sub-routine for using all 256 TI-85 characters. The character map is also not meant to be used by itself (although it can be). CharMap allows the user to select any of the TI-85's 256 characters and then stores the character to the CHAR variable for use in another program or anywhere else. Everything is fully documented so nothing will be confusing.
Author Ryan Taylor (ratnin@juno.com)
Category TI-85 BASIC Graphics Programs
File Size 9,500 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Mar 4 17:36:08 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
GrafTxt/EDITOR.85P   2215
GrafTxt/CHARMAP.85P   809
GrafTxt/ASCII.85S   328
GrafTxt/GRAFTXT.85P   539
GrafTxt/GTBIG.85G   1119
GrafTxt/GTN.85G   148
GrafTxt/GTNM.85G   291
GrafTxt/GTU.85G   244
GrafTxt/GTUL.85G   400
GrafTxt/GTULN.85G   460
GrafTxt/GTULNM.85G   603
GrafTxt/GTUN.85G   304
GrafTxt/GTUNM.85G   447
GrafTxt/CharMap.txt   1152
GrafTxt/GrafTxt.txt   4811

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