Ranked as 327 on our all-time top downloads list with 33897 downloads. Ranked as 1528 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads. Ranked as 336 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.08.
Dr. Mario is a Tetris-like game in which you must destroy deadly virii with medicines distributed by the great Dr. Mario. Line up the correct pills with the correct virii, and if you get four or more in a row, the virus will die! Each stage gets progressively harder with more virii. Try starting on a higher level with a faster speed for more of a challenge.
Overall- 47/50 (A-)- This will be a calculator classic for years to come. The author did an excellent job on this game, and it truly shows. Download this game if you like good puzzle games that are fun.