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Agenda V4.2 Plus


Ranked as 971 on our all-time top downloads list with 17178 downloads.
Ranked as 4846 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Ranked as 468 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.63.

Filename agenda.zip (Download)
Title Agenda V4.2 Plus
Description Agenda is an almost complete organizer application suite for TI calculators which support synchronization with MS Outlook! You don't need a PDA, if you have a TI92+ or V200 and install Agenda! New in this version is the added month view in the day planer and customizable shortcuts for any entry type. An Italian translation has also been added.
Author Adrian Bader (a.bader@gmx.ch)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Educational Programs
File Size 1,055,867 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 17 19:04:29 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Martin von Wittich
Reviewed on 2004-10-16
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

“Agenda” is an organizer for the TI-92+ with password protection, “Outlook” synchronization, ROM Backup, and more. In my opinion, this is one of the most useful and important programs available for the TI-92+. I use it for almost everything, address lists, todo lists, password lists, homework, financial management, glossary and so on.

Its main components are:

1) The Agenda
The agenda is a date book where every day has it's own text area that can hold as much text as you want. Additionally, birthdays and holidays are automatically added; in the overview, birthdays are displayed as an "!" and holidays as an "X".

2) The Address Book
The address book is divided in groups. Every contact has the fields surname, first name, street, city, email, phone number, mobile phone number, birthday and miscellaneous. As said, the birthdays are automatically added to the agenda.

3) The Notepad
Like the address book, the notepad is divided in groups. Simply every kind of information can be stored here in file-like entries.

4) Web Links
Basically the same as the notepad, but intended for links.

“Agenda” is very simple to use and every action has its own key combination. [MODE] shows the general options menu, [APPS] shows a context menu. All key combinations are of course displayed in the appropriate menus.

Next to so much convenience and features, there are unfortunately some bugs, too. The worst problem is that the agenda component likes to crash, so whenever you want to show the agenda, press [F7] to backup your data (and make sure that all important files are archived!).

Missing features / problems are, for example:
a) Automatically jump to the present day in agenda
b) Group sorting
c) Entry selection by typing the first character (so that one can press for example "T" to jump to the first item that begins with "T")
d) A search method
e) Some kind of popup evaluator where one can do, for example, a calculation with TI's AMS and see/copy the result, because for now, you have to quit the “Agenda” to do anything else.
f) text scrolling is very slow (test it, you will see what I mean)
g) There's no scroll bar display

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Archive Contents
Name Size
AgendaSync/AgendaSync.exe   1469440
AgendaSync/readme.txt   982
bin/agenda english/compressed/Agenda.9xy   25869
bin/agenda english/compressed/Agenda.9xz   2010
bin/agenda english/uncompressed/Agenda.9xz   41035
bin/agenda german/compressed/Agenda.9xy   26034
bin/agenda german/compressed/Agenda.9xz   2010
bin/agenda german/uncompressed/Agenda.9xz   41413
bin/agenda italian/compressed/Agenda.9xy   26026
bin/agenda italian/compressed/Agenda.9xz   2010
bin/agenda italian/uncompressed/Agenda.9xz   41281
bin/converter/AgndConv.9xz   7151
bin/kbdprgm/kbdprgm1 - ttstart.9xp   186
bin/kbdprgm/kbdprgm1.9xp   176
bin/ttstart/readme.txt   317
bin/ttstart/ttstart.9xz   2155
bin/ttstart/ttstart_readme.html   3648
doc/li.gif   304
doc/logo.jpg   87111
doc/new.gif   197
doc/readme.html   50283
doc/ss.gif   27384
source/Agenda/Agenda.c   7969
source/Agenda/Agenda.h   4963
source/Agenda/Agenda.tpr   2433
source/Agenda/BuildOptions.h   1609
source/Agenda/Common.c   7437
source/Agenda/Common.h   1904
source/Agenda/Consts.h   5615
source/Agenda/DataFile.c   15652
source/Agenda/DataFile.h   2130
source/Agenda/Date.c   18542
source/Agenda/Date.h   4347
source/Agenda/DFABook.c   6150
source/Agenda/DFABook.h   1542
source/Agenda/DFAgenda.c   6206
source/Agenda/DFAgenda.h   1951
source/Agenda/DFEntry.c   19938
source/Agenda/DFEntry.h   4111
source/Agenda/DFLinks.c   1886
source/Agenda/DFLinks.h   1386
source/Agenda/DFNotes.c   3289
source/Agenda/DFNotes.h   1462
source/Agenda/Display.c   8717
source/Agenda/Display.h   1674
source/Agenda/DisplayABook.c   5509
source/Agenda/DisplayABook.h   1496
source/Agenda/DisplayAgenda.c   23280
source/Agenda/DisplayAgenda.h   2627
source/Agenda/DisplayLinks.c   1398
source/Agenda/DisplayLinks.h   1281
source/Agenda/DisplayLV.c   14659
source/Agenda/DisplayLV.h   2856
source/Agenda/DisplayNotes.c   4536
source/Agenda/DisplayNotes.h   1345
source/Agenda/Global.h   27283
source/Agenda/Header.txt   5192
source/Agenda/Icons.h   12921
source/Agenda/IncludeAll.h   1661
source/Agenda/Language.h   5678
source/Agenda/Menu.c   12519
source/Agenda/Menu.h   1690
source/Agenda/MenuABook.c   1319
source/Agenda/MenuABook.h   1271
source/Agenda/MenuAgenda.c   14458
source/Agenda/MenuAgenda.h   1908
source/Agenda/MenuLV.c   14769
source/Agenda/MenuLV.h   2044
source/Agenda/MenuNotes.c   1317
source/Agenda/MenuNotes.h   1275
source/Agenda/Shortcut.c   6254
source/Agenda/Shortcut.h   1774
source/Agenda/System.c   3036
source/Agenda/System.h   1307
source/Agenda/Utils.c   32563
source/Agenda/Utils.h   4851
source/Converter/Agndconv.c   11059
source/Converter/Agndconv.h   2259
source/Converter/AgndConv.tpr   1384
source/Converter/BuildOptions.h   1259
source/Converter/Consts.h   2464
source/Converter/Header V3.txt   3402
source/Converter/Header V4.txt   4966
source/Converter/Header VE.txt   5192
source/Converter/V2.c   3216
source/Converter/V2.h   1528
source/Converter/V3.c   6822
source/Converter/V3.h   2954
source/Converter/V4.c   10322
source/Converter/V4.h   3495
source/Converter/VE.c   5196
source/Converter/VE.h   1860

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