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Real Life...


Ranked as 12979 on our all-time top downloads list with 4004 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename reallife.zip (Download)
Title Real Life...
Description This is an update that fixes minor bugs, and has screeshots (hopefully). This game is based off of a real time fighting program I made when bored and decided to make into a full rpg game. You must fight people to gain money so you can upgrade your weapons, buy health, etc. You can save and load, take out loans, fight the police, gamble on fights that are controlled completely by calc AI, and there are 7 random events that may help or harm you. After defeating the two bosses, ther is a cheat mode that you get acess to. This was created on a silver edition and my run slowly on normal 83's. Enjoy.
Author wes haught (wjhsoftware@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 8,595 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jan 30 08:47:23 2003
Documentation Included? No



Review by  nick bugaev
Reviewed on 2009-12-26
Gameplay- Brilliantly executed code and multiple actions this game is very fun. Since I'm mostly a MirageOS player I was kind of disappointed when I saw that this was a program run game. But when I tried it, the game really stunned me! 10/10

Memory- Decent filesize. 10/10

Creativity- the funny godquests and multiple bosses really add its own creativity to this game. 10/10

File- Has good screenshots but lacks a readme. But it's okay since you only choose things and there is a well detailed help menu. 10/10

Graphics- Can't really judge here since its only symbols and numbers. But the beginnings animations are well made. 8/10

Controls- Basic user friendly controls. 10/10

Overall- Randomness of godquests and great fight scenes really kept me playing this. On my first game I got all the way to 48 Long with 170 kills before I went to face god. Great game indeed. 10/10


  • Where the jobs! Jobs are in real life too!
  • Swords aren't the only weapons. How about some guns?
  • Needs more levels
  • Could you maybe, possible, if you can... make this run on MirageOS??? Cause I had to keep archiving it so I can run my other games and I had like 10 other games. So Mirage OS would really help.

Well that's my review. I have to get off this island fast!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
screen2.gif   1460
screen01.gif   2531
FIGHT02.8xp   11535

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