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Altered Phoenix 2.0


Ranked as 203 on our all-time top downloads list with 44602 downloads.
Ranked as 22720 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 548 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.27.

Filename alteredphx.zip (Download)
Title Altered Phoenix 2.0
Description Altered Phoenix is a custom version of Phoenix for the Ti-83+. This version includes major image upgrades, enemys, and several internal updates. Since this is my first ASM program I have developed. any comments would be very appreciated.
Authors Mike Conrad (allied4u@adelphia.net)
Patrick Davidson (pad@ocf.berkeley.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 196,502 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jan 30 08:55:33 2003
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Mark Shaw
Reviewed on 2013-08-24
There was nothing wrong with Phoenix. When it was first released during my highschool career, my friends and I would spend hours after school trying to one-up each other's high scores. Between us were many countless game-overs with a kill count that probably has a few too many zeros behind it. The gameplay was very hard, but balanced. The graphics(on white background) were clean and precise. The upgrades were fun, and felt worthy to be worked for. In short this game was a 10/10.

Altered Phoenix on the other hand takes all of that and breaks it. The graphics were in no need of an overhaul. The gameplay felt the same, but the balance was lost. Easy gives you too much money for it's own good, but anything else didn't give you squat. Then there's the most important break. The beloved weapon upgrades didn't even work! I bought the L2 weapon, the L3 weapon... Nothing. In short, there is no advancement of firepower. That in itself kills the replay value.

Now for the breakdown:

Graphics: 5/10 They didn't need fixing, but they weren't horrible.

Creativity: 1/10 There wasn't much changed, and what was didn't really work.

Concept: 1/10 Take a classic and break it. Nice.

Controls: 10/10 This wasn't changed. This 10, though, really belongs to Phoenix.

Replay: 1/10 Don't do it!

Overall: 3.6/10.0 Pass it up.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Phoenix.asm   2269
phoenix.bin   7995
phoenixz.i   5392
phoenixz.txt   24945
player12.asm   3615
player16.asm   3894
score12.asm   6989
score16.asm   7112
shoot.asm   4093
shop12.asm   5704
shop16.asm   4670
storage.asm   1101
build82.bat   141
build83.bat   142
build85.bat   185
build86.bat   169
build.bat   93
bullets.asm   5508
collide.asm   2082
data.asm   1141
disp12.asm   2298
disp16.asm   6223
drwspr.asm   9373
ebullets.asm   6724
emove.asm   13667
enemies.asm   3833
enemyhit.asm   9102
eshoot.asm   9532
exchange.asm   1233
extlev12.asm   7375
extlev16.asm   2800
helper.asm   3333
hityou.asm   3398
images.asm   13981
init.asm   5368
internal.txt   9772
keys.i   585
levels.asm   12905
levels.txt   22481
lib12.asm   2067
lib16.asm   2380
lib.asm   2386
main12.asm   4834
main16.asm   5147
main82.asm   2222
main83.asm   2269
main85.asm   2997
main86.asm   7107
mainmir.asm   2672
mainmir.lst   499475
mirage.inc   5107
new12.asm   3227
new16.asm   3340
alteredphx.8xp   8071
Altered Phoenix 2.0.txt   995

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