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Ranked as 9037 on our all-time top downloads list with 5102 downloads.

Filename hackers.zip (Download)
Title Hackers
Description For all you computer people out there like myself. This is an EXCELLENT hacking game based for the TI-83+ It has nice graphics and menus, and the prices of the items in the game are realistic. Also, unlike most of the other hacking game out there for the TI's, it has over 15 major places you can hack, each place with about 3 or 4 sub computers to hack!! It is a great game! I made the original one about a year ago, and just recently i totally remade it, so it is different, and when my friend z3r0 c00l said he liked it I decided to realease this one. Like I said it is a great HACKING game and touches on the way a real hacker hacks, except with different visual effects. Also, if you have ever seen the movie "Hackers", I tried to base the game on that, so if you liked that movie this is the hacking game for you. I will be realeasing a new version soon, but in the mean time DOWNLOAD THIS and try it out, i garentee you'll like it!
Author Bryan Grzeck (jeesum@ec.rr.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 4,305 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Oct 28 19:01:23 2002
Documentation Included? Yes


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