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Ranked as 28038 on our all-time top downloads list with 2081 downloads.
Ranked as 30080 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename tag.zip (Download)
Title Tag
Description Its Tag for the TI-83. This game combines moderate graphics with great gameplay. Its has a range of 2-9 difficulty that will expand your skill level. It is a very fast paced game. Tag has a unblievable amount of AI. Watch the AI chase you down, turn around, then out run you. This game is really entertaining to play. You move with the arrow keys to juke, run and trick your opponent. I have been working on this program for over two months and it has turned out promising. You will love this Game I guarentee it. I reccomend it to EVERYBODY!! Espescially those wanting to learn more in BASIC. DOWNLOAD ME!! Watch for TAG v2.0 it will have better graphics! Only From OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe!! www.freewebs.com/outerlimit
Author Bryan Thomas (olsoft83@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Arcade/Chasing, Dodging)
File Size 1,863 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Oct 24 18:58:30 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Dax Linville
Reviewed on 2006-06-27
This truly is a spectacular marvel of BASIC programming. Instead of taking turns with the opponent, you go simultaneously. I think its fun to watch the AI run you down, tag you, then sprint away.

Graphics 8/10 It flashes a lot, and it's hard to see the opponent.
Creativity: 9/10 It isn't by all means new, but it is a very advanced version.
Memory: 7.5/10 It does eat some memory, if you’re conscious about that.
Overall: 9/10 Very good game


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TAG READ ME.txt   1791
TAG.83p   2117

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