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Hotwire 215


Ranked as 3601 on our all-time top downloads list with 8280 downloads.
Ranked as 8993 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename hotwire215.zip (Download)
Title Hotwire 215
Description Hotwire 215 is an in-depth 'drug wars' spinoff for the next level of gamers. It involves stealing cars, racing them, pawning them, and dealing with the occasional law enforcement. Hotwire 215 draws a lot of features from the immensely popular "Grand Theft Auto 3". It contains 35 unique cars from GTA3, each with their own special traits. Also, there are 12 locations to travel to- four from each island in Liberty City- and seven weapons (including a rocket launcher) with two modes for each for your defense. Hotwire 215 runs on a single file; no subprograms are needed. A protected save file containing game data will not be lost if the calculator's RAM clears. And when you finish the game, don't forget to submit your score to Internet Ranking [hw215.8k.com] to compete for first place and title of "Best Carjacker"!
Author Taren Nauxen (furusato@insightbb.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 25,453 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Oct 23 18:39:00 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
AHOTWIRE.8XP   13392
hotwire215instr.txt   4172
Image6.gif   4826
Image5.gif   4879
Image2.gif   5390
image3.gif   2737
Image4.gif   2466

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