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Pictoral Encryption/Decryption v1.5


Ranked as 25004 on our all-time top downloads list with 2403 downloads.

Filename pictenc.zip (Download)
Title Pictoral Encryption/Decryption v1.5
Description This is an updated and fully functional version of its beta. The encrypting program takes text and returns a picture (really binary data). Details about the method of encryption are included in the readme. The decrypting program reverses the process. These programs were designed from a concept of applying complex computer-style algorithms to the TI-89. The programs work much faster when run on a computer implementing an emulator (reference to the hardware section of ticalc.org), but may be used on the calculator when you have the extra time. Note: these programs are large (around 18k each on the calc), so be prepared to make some space. Please read the readme file for instructions on how to quickly move the programs to archival memory.
Author Jonathan Blair (jabber2537@aol.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Encryption)
File Size 11,022 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 28 06:42:22 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
main.picdcd.89p   18765
main.picenc.89p   18581
Readme.txt   4808

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