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Ranked as 30153 on our all-time top downloads list with 1847 downloads.
Ranked as 5530 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename syntheti.zip (Download)
Title Syntheti
Description Takes a polynomial up to the 6th power and synthetically divides it by whatever you tell it to, shows the work, and reports if it is a factor, upper bound, lower bound, or any combo of the 3
Author Corey Lail (Lalonata@hotmail.com)
Category TI-86 BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 1,229 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 27 15:41:35 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Donald Straney
Reviewed on 2004-02-14
After trying all the synthetic division programs in the archives, I've decided that this one is altogether the best. The distinguishing feature is the user interface-most of the other synthetic division programs show the necessary work, but only this one shows if the divisor is a lower bound or an upper bound. Entering the data is very easy, and unlike some other programs where the coefficients have to be entered as a vector, each prompt is clearly labeled "x^6", "x^5", etc. It's also flexible, being able to accept 6th order (and smaller) polynomials. The program won't take up very much memory on your calculator-at ~1.5 KB, it's definitely not large and doesn't take too long to tokenize.

This program isn't without disadvantages-the graph screen isn't cleared when the program finishes, not all variables are deleted, large polynomials can be hard to see on the graph screen...but most of the problems can be fixed by adding a line or two of code, and if not, don't matter that much anyway. If you're looking for a synthetic division program, I highly recommend this one.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SYNTHETI.86P   1553
Syntheti.txt   626

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