Little Dude Episode 1 v1.0
Ranked as 6870 on our all-time top downloads list with 6019 downloads. Ranked as 6149 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Review by
Matt Adler
Reviewed on
Attention span: 9/10 5 long levels will keep you playing. Controls: 9/10 One button to remember: [2nd] Implementation: 8/10 A fairly original idea implemented well. Overall: 9/10 A really fun game!
Little Dude is a cool game in which you play a guy (known as little dude) who lands at Space Station Liberty to refuel his ship, but finds the entire crew dead. He meets up with the killers, abunch of slimy, tentacled-aliens. Little Dude has pretty good graphics and smooth gameplay. It's an action game with an RPG-like twist since there are certain puzzles you have to figure out to finish the levels. There are five levels overall.
Little dude's controls are simple. Use [2nd] to fire your rifle with unlimited ammo. The save/load game feature is great due to the elaborate levels that usually take a while to complete, anthough when you load a saved game, you start at the beginning of the level on which you last saved. Overall, Little Dude is a good game which will keep you playing for a while. |
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Archive Contents
dude.txt | 9525 |
Ldude1.82p | 11012 |