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coolClock Status Bar Clock (1.1)


Ranked as 4913 on our all-time top downloads list with 7155 downloads.
Ranked as 19618 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename coolclock.zip (Download)
Title coolClock Status Bar Clock (1.1)
Description coolClock replaces the history display in the lower right corner of the screen with a clock. AMS 2.08/Hardware 2 required. Version 1.1. See readme for details
Author Brian Cairns (bsoft@attbi.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 69,470 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 27 13:59:30 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Person Dude
Reviewed on 2009-01-28
The idea for this program is great, but the program itself does not work right. The time is not the same as the time you set. I loaded this program on my TI-89 Titanium, and, after a memory clear and a quick ghostbust, installed it. It was 5:43 and the status bar clock said it was 7:54! Maybe this has something to do with my calc not being a regular 89. I hope there will be future versions that correct this issue.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
coolClock/ccInstall.89z   7293
coolClock/ccInstall24.89z   7245
coolClock/Copying.txt   18347
coolClock/Readme.txt   3113
coolClock/Source/array.h   8982
coolClock/Source/CallNextEV_hook.h   154
coolClock/Source/CCInstall.c   6422
coolClock/Source/CCInstall24.c   6482
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/developr/asm/h220xtsr.h   2248
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/developr/c/h220xtsr.h   3089
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.a   1652
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.asm   17041
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/developr/h220xtsr.tpr   329
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/readme.txt   15979
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.89z   1541
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.9xz   1541
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.asm   15503
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/user/h220xtsr.tpr   329
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.89z   797
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.9xz   797
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.asm   6110
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr/user/unin2tsr.tpr   329
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr.a   1652
coolClock/Source/h220xtsr.h   3089
coolClock/Source/Handler.h   5067
coolClock/Source/Handler24.h   4939
coolClock/Source/Hook.c   3428
coolClock/Source/Hook.tpr   338
coolClock/Source/Hook24.c   3430
coolClock/Source/HookInstall.tpr   423
coolClock/Source/Make.bat   434
coolClock/Source/pics.h   9993
coolClock/Source/time.h   2180
coolClock/uninevhk.89z   749

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