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3D Sketchpad 92+


Ranked as 6750 on our all-time top downloads list with 6093 downloads.
Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename 3ds92v200.zip (Download)
Title 3D Sketchpad 92+
Description Ever wanted to build your dream house? Create your own dream car? Well now's your chance. 3D Sketchpad is a smooth wireframe 3D editor - it has an average framerate higher than you'll find in most movie theatres. Has a viewing mode - where you can see your creation rotate in front of you - and an editing mode - where you can add to your piece and simultaneously see what it will look like, from any angle, and any distance. Want to share your file with a friend? The data is compatible between the TI-89, the TI-92+, and the Voyage 200. Easy to use format and a simple, but complete, options menu. Comes with 6 demo files.
Author asmviper (asmviper@hotmail.com)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Graphics Programs
File Size 25,578 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 6 18:04:44 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Cube.9xy   2100
About.txt   8840
cube.gif   1574
Dodeca.9xy   2100
House.9xy   2100
house.gif   2550
Icosa.9xy   2100
icosa.gif   2235
Octa.9xy   2100
options.gif   2687
sketch.9xz   14049
Tetra.9xy   2100

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