Smiley's Adventure 0.27
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Archive Contents
back.asm | 10005 |
build.bat | 495 |
collide.asm | 3037 |
display.asm | 1768 |
hw.asm | 2065 |
images.asm | 9756 |
images/bird1.gst | 1706 |
images/bird1.i | 365 |
images/bird2.gst | 1706 |
images/bird2.i | 365 |
images/bird3.gst | 1706 |
images/bird3.i | 365 |
images/bird4.gst | 1706 |
images/bird4.i | 365 |
images/bomb.gst | 1394 |
images/bomb.i | 268 |
images/bullet.gst | 1394 |
images/bullet.i | 115 |
images/small.gst | 1394 |
images/small.i | 326 |
init.asm | 8271 |
levels/hardlvls.89y | 663 |
levels/hardlvls/1.asm | 2421 |
levels/hardlvls/2.asm | 2421 |
levels/hardlvls/3.asm | 2421 |
levels/hardlvls/4.asm | 1793 |
levels/hardlvls/map1.gsm | 2824 |
levels/hardlvls/map2.gsm | 2824 |
levels/hardlvls/map3.gsm | 2824 |
levels/hardlvls/map4.gsm | 2024 |
levels/level.bat | 67 |
levels/NewWorld.89y | 589 |
levels/newworld/1.asm | 1233 |
levels/newworld/1.gsm | 1464 |
levels/newworld/2.asm | 1857 |
levels/newworld/2.gsm | 2104 |
levels/newworld/3.asm | 4705 |
levels/newworld/3.gsm | 5384 |
levels/pack.c | 2215 |
levels/PACK.EXE | 12076 |
levels/readme.txt | 459 |
levels/smileylv.89y | 594 |
levels/smileylv/1.asm | 2309 |
levels/smileylv/2.asm | 2421 |
levels/smileylv/3.asm | 2309 |
levels/smileylv/map0.gsm | 1144 |
levels/smileylv/map2.gsm | 2824 |
levels/smileylv/map3.gsm | 2824 |
lib.asm | 2093 |
main.c | 25893 |
map0.i | 1567 |
map1.gsm | 1824 |
smiley.89z | 12929 |
smiley.asm | 1346 |
smiley.h | 3344 |
smiley.i | 3652 |
smiley.txt | 8927 |
startup.asm | 1058 |
tiles0.gst | 6386 |
tiles0.i | 2625 |
tiles1.gst | 12002 |
tiles1.i | 10347 |
which.i | 12 |