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Mode Setters


Ranked as 24778 on our all-time top downloads list with 2434 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename modesetters.zip (Download)
Title Mode Setters
Description This is a collection of 5 programs which allows you to change several mode settings. Running them as keyboard programs makes it easier to change modes. Anglmode() acts as a toggle switch between Degree and Radian modes. Automode() cycles among Auto, Exact, and Approx modes. Folders() displays a PopUp menu to allow you to change folders. Edit the program, replacing Folder2, etc., with your folder names. You can also change the number of folders. Vecmode() displays a PopUp menu to allow you to change Vector and Complex formats. Digits() displays a PopUp menu to allow you to change Exponential Format and Display Digits. The choices are set at Float 6, Fix 4, or Scientific 4. Edit the program to change to your preferred settings.
Author Don Benson (dnbnsn@cox.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Modes, Settings)
File Size 2,085 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Aug 2 14:59:39 2002
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ANGLMODE.89P   260
AUTOMODE.89P   413
DIGITS.89P   405
FOLDERS.89P   280
modeset.txt   1022
VECMODE.89P   468

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