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Space Warriors


Ranked as 6381 on our all-time top downloads list with 6303 downloads.
Ranked as 4531 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename spacewarriors.zip (Download)
Title Space Warriors
Description A 2-player only game where your goal is to defeat the enemy ship. Pick one of four different ships and use five weapons to shoot your way to becoming the best space fighter in the TI-83(+) galaxy! Obtain power-ups like invincibility and super speed, shoot homing missles and electric beams, and have a blast all on one calc. Download Now!!!
Author Adam Spickard (willydark@ninten.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 6,707 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jul 26 21:16:51 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Gabriel Rath
Reviewed on 2006-12-22
"Space Warriors" is a great game which is probably not good for you if you are not good at mashing three buttons at once, or if you have proud friends. Explanation for first reason: people will crush you if you can't press three buttons at once. Explanation for second reason: your friends will hate you because you will always beat them, as long as you can press three buttons at once and they can't.

Controls: 9/10 A cinch, but you do have to remember that 2nd does not shoot with your ship and that the bottom player uses 4,6, and +, not 7,9, and /.

Gameplay: 8/10 Fast, easy, though there are a few problems. There are instances when you go too fast and if you press MODE before you shoot at all, the calculator will freeze, RAM clear, and you will have to re-install the game. It is also not compatible with MirageOS, but you can fix it with the IonFix program.

Graphics: 9/10 Simple, yet satisfactory.

Memory: 10/10 Only 2k!!!

Replayability: 9/10 If you have lots of friends, this game will stay on your calc for a long time. But if you do not, it will barely last five days before you delete it.

Overall: 9/10 A good, one-calc multiplayer game.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SPACEWR.83P   3124
spacewr.8xp   3126
Space Warriors Readme.txt   5521

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