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Currency Converter v1.00


Ranked as 16177 on our all-time top downloads list with 3441 downloads.
Ranked as 3258 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename currencyconverter.zip (Download)
Title Currency Converter v1.00
Description Basically this program converts any amount of foreign currency into US Dollars and vise versa. The foreign currencies that it converts include the currencies from Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Britain, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, and the European Euro. One interesting feature is that it will also convert certain metals such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Pallidium. You input the amount of dollars and it tells you how many ounces of that metal is worth that and vise versa. Very good program. NOTE:you can press enter at any time to skip the intro.
Author Scott Davis (scott_shortonideas@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Finance)
File Size 14,606 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jul 23 15:30:27 2002
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CurrConv.GIF   496542
Help.txt   2394

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