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Windows 95 v2.0


Ranked as 28972 on our all-time top downloads list with 1988 downloads.
Ranked as 4846 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename win95.zip (Download)
Title Windows 95 v2.0
Description The second version of my windows program. Many new things you can do. There will be hopfully only one more installment but this one has no errors that I could find.
Author Dan M (dbzabster@yahoo.com)
Category TI-86 BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 90,115 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Sep 27 16:30:15 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/frogger/CARS.H   2096
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/frogger/FINTRO.H   4350
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/frogger/FROGGER.86P   2915
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/frogger/FROGGER.ASM   23922
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/frogger/FROGGER.TXT   1475
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/frogger/GRX.H   1912
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/frogger/LEVEL.H   1926
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/frogger/TOP.H   1484
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/BONUSLVL.86S   346
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/mario readme.txt   2779
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/mario86.86g   15385
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/mario86.txt   3709
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/medit86.86p   3980
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/medit86.txt   1798
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/OMEGA.86S   974
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/WDTHREE.86S   2167
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/WORLDTWO.86S   936
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/WOW.86S   1939
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/Mario86/WRLDFOUR.86S   2377
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/ReadMe.doc   33280
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/ReadMe.txt   6454
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/solytare/SOLYTARE.86P   2243
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/solytare/SOLYTARE.ASM   37371
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/solytare/SOLYTARE.GFX   1560
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/solytare/solytare.txt   4495
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/WIN95.86G   46395
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/ztetris/LINKROUT.H   1574
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/ztetris/ZTETRIS.86P   3555
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/ztetris/ZTETRIS.ASM   30591
Win95 v2.0 (49526)/ztetris/ZTETRIS.DOC   6856

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