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Corridor 92 - Demo V2.1


Ranked as 784 on our all-time top downloads list with 20084 downloads.
Ranked as 19317 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 389 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.95.

Filename corridor92.zip (Download)
Title Corridor 92 - Demo V2.1
Description Corridor 92 is a high-detail 3D shooter where the player in immersed in a 3D world where you must blast from floor to floor while opening locked doors, finding keys, pushing buttons and avoiding the robotic sentires that infest the corridors. To aid you, in addition to your standard rifle and knife, four new weapons of varying appearence and utility can be found among the five level demo. Step into Corridor 92... it's not your average calculator game. (Powered by the FAT engine)
Author Jeff Wilcox (destarus04@yahoo.com)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 164,291 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 12 14:00:51 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
tex_pak.9xy   5005
corridor.89y   19419
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hud_pak.89y   2900
ico_pak.89y   774
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obj_pak.89y   1130
str_pak.89y   2118
tex_pak.89y   5005
corridor.89z   1695
SHOT1.gif   4012
SHOT2.gif   4355
SHOT3.gif   4311
SHOT4.gif   4106
Readme.txt   10718
corridor.9xz   1695
bmp_pak.9xy   10925
corridor.9xy   19508
fatlib.9xy   51673
hud_pak.9xy   2900
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nme_pak.9xy   9824
obj_pak.9xy   1130
str_pak.9xy   2118
bmp_pak.89y   7540
SHOT8.gif   3311
SHOT7.gif   2571
SHOT6.gif   3271
SHOT5.gif   2692

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