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Ranked as 7507 on our all-time top downloads list with 5710 downloads.
Ranked as 4846 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename sequence.zip (Download)
Title Sequences
Description It’s capable of Arithmetic and Geometric functions. It can compute the common difference, First X terms, Nth Term, and Sum in either arithmetic or geometric. If anyone wants any more features, email me at andrew@ibelite.com
Author Andrew Potievsky (andrew@ibelite.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Sequence, Series)
File Size 955 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 12 10:33:15 2002
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Al J
Reviewed on 2005-03-26
I like this “Sequences”. It is very useful. The menus are easy to understand, too. However there are three small problems ("small" being the keyword, not a big deal):

1.) I picked up on it, but the phrase "1ST-BOT" was slightly confusing.

2.) There were two or three syntax errors that didn't allow me to use certain functions of the program at first, but I was able to correct them in just a few seconds.

3.) For the geometric part of the program, the program describes what is actually the ratio between terms as being the difference -- not too confusing, but there is no such thing as a constant "difference" between terms of a geometric sequence.

Other than those few small errors, it's a pretty good program. Just make sure that you know BASIC programming language if you download it, because you will need to correct a few errors in the code.


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