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Master artillery


Ranked as 7019 on our all-time top downloads list with 5936 downloads.

Filename artillrym.zip (Download)
Title Master artillery
Description An advanced form of scorched earth/tank war type game for the calculator.There can be two to six players playing all at once in this game. The AI is extreemely accurate, and very hard to kill if it gets to fire first. There is a team option which creates two more or less even teams with the same number( give or take one) tanks. This is great for playing yourself against a friend, since you can also have the AI tanks working for you. They recognize friendly tanks and only kill the enemy. What make the game even beter is the arsenal of weapons you can buy. You can decide how many rounds you want to play for, and the winner of each round will get an addd cash bonus. Each tank you destroy earns you money. The weapons you can buy incluse: Nuke, Laser, digger, Cruise missle, MIRV, and the Ego Cannon. This is a must download!!
Author Tim Callahan (oh_one_tim@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size 20,030 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 11 18:34:34 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ARTBCHEK.83P   637
ARTBEAMW.83P   305
ARTBOTZ.83P   887
ARTCRUIS.83P   341
ARTDIRT.83P   112
ARTEGO.83P   332
ARTFALL.83P   177
ARTILERY.83P   1070
ARTILINT.83P   2637
ARTINBET.83P   185
ARTISUBF.83P   135
ARTMIRV.83P   354
ARTMIRV2.83P   659
ARTMIRV3.83P   336
ARTMOP.83P   232
ARTNUKE.83P   218
ARTREFRS.83P   1693
ARTRG.83P   665
ARTRNDSP.83P   599
ARTROUND.83P   1915
ARTSHOP.83P   810
ARTSMBLT.83P   177
ARTSTDPJ.83P   324
ARTSUBAA.83P   1082
ARTSUBAZ.83P   196
ARTTANKO.83P   626
ARTWEAPO.83P   670
artilery readme.txt   7426
land.gif   1217
open.gif   1294
robot.gif   1217
shop.gif   1517

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