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Nuke War


Ranked as 17073 on our all-time top downloads list with 3302 downloads.
Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename nukew83.zip (Download)
Title Nuke War
Description A nuclear war turn based strategy game for two players utilizing sprites. Each player starts with the same number of buildings and resources. There are nine building types, including: nuke silo, AMB site, warehouse, factory, spy center, Command Bunker, Radar staion, city and farm. Espionage is a good sized part in the game as well. Each player has no knowledge of the locations of the buildings in the enemy's country. Use spies to make a map of targets. Your spies can also sabotage enemy structures, and possible destroy them. Researching is also a part of the game, The more you research on a specific thing, for example, nuke reliability, the more reliable your nukes shall become, and a greater chance they will destroy their target. The ain objective is to destroy your opponent's command bunker. This game is similar to the TI-83 plus version.
Author Tim Callahan (oh_one_tim@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size 21,820 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 11 18:32:15 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
NUKE.83P   10442
NUKEABM.83P   228
NUKEBLST.83P   280
NUKECUR0.83P   113
NUKECUR1.83P   113
NUKEEND.83P   299
NUKEMAPD.83P   133
NUKEMAPE.83P   224
NUKENOMO.83P   107
NUKEP1CG.83P   156
NUKEP2CG.83P   156
NUKEP89R.83P   99
NUKEP89S.83P   99
NUKEPLA1.83P   98
NUKEPLA2.83P   189
NUKEPLA3.83P   193
NUKEPLA5.83P   216
NUKEPLA6.83P   197
NUKEPLA7.83P   145
NUKEPLA8.83P   145
NUKEPLA9.83P   145
NUKEPLAD.83P   394
NUKEREDD.83P   167
NUKESPE.83P   109
NUKEWAR.83P   546
NWARABM2.83P   606
PIC1.83I   830
PIC2.83I   830
PIC3.83I   830
PIC4.83I   830
PIC5.83I   830
PIC6.83I   830
PIC7.83I   830
PIC8.83I   830
PIC9.83I   830
SABM.83P   182
SABMS.83P   179
SCNC.83P   133
SFACT.83P   216
SFARM.83P   185
SNKE.83P   157
SNSITE.83P   167
SOCEAN.83P   175
SQUESTN.83P   85
SRADAR.83P   182
SSPYC.83P   201
STECH.83P   201
SWASTE.83P   148
SWHSE.83P   183
nukewar 83readme.txt   11991

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