Nuke War
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Nuke War
A nuclear war turn based strategy game for two players utilizing sprites. Each player starts with the same number of buildings and resources. There are nine building types, including: nuke silo, AMB site, warehouse, factory, spy center, Command Bunker, Radar staion, city and farm. Espionage is a good sized part in the game as well. Each player has no knowledge of the locations of the buildings in the enemy's country. Use spies to make a map of targets. Your spies can also sabotage enemy structures, and possible destroy them. Researching is also a part of the game, The more you research on a specific thing, for example, nuke reliability, the more reliable your nukes shall become, and a greater chance they will destroy their target. The ain objective is to destroy your opponent's command bunker. This game is similar to the TI-83 plus version.
Tim Callahan (
TI-83 BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size
21,820 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat May 11 18:32:15 2002
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Archive Contents
NUKE.83P | 10442 |
NUKEABM.83P | 228 |
NUKEBLST.83P | 280 |
NUKECUR0.83P | 113 |
NUKECUR1.83P | 113 |
NUKECURS.83P | 93 |
NUKEEND.83P | 299 |
NUKEMAPD.83P | 133 |
NUKEMAPE.83P | 224 |
NUKENOMO.83P | 107 |
NUKEP1CG.83P | 156 |
NUKEP2CG.83P | 156 |
NUKEP89R.83P | 99 |
NUKEP89S.83P | 99 |
NUKEPLA1.83P | 98 |
NUKEPLA2.83P | 189 |
NUKEPLA3.83P | 193 |
NUKEPLA5.83P | 216 |
NUKEPLA6.83P | 197 |
NUKEPLA7.83P | 145 |
NUKEPLA8.83P | 145 |
NUKEPLA9.83P | 145 |
NUKEPLAD.83P | 394 |
NUKEREDD.83P | 167 |
NUKESPE.83P | 109 |
NUKEWAR.83P | 546 |
NWARABM2.83P | 606 |
PIC1.83I | 830 |
PIC2.83I | 830 |
PIC3.83I | 830 |
PIC4.83I | 830 |
PIC5.83I | 830 |
PIC6.83I | 830 |
PIC7.83I | 830 |
PIC8.83I | 830 |
PIC9.83I | 830 |
SABM.83P | 182 |
SABMS.83P | 179 |
SCNC.83P | 133 |
SFACT.83P | 216 |
SFARM.83P | 185 |
SNKE.83P | 157 |
SNSITE.83P | 167 |
SOCEAN.83P | 175 |
SQUESTN.83P | 85 |
SRADAR.83P | 182 |
SSPYC.83P | 201 |
STECH.83P | 201 |
SWASTE.83P | 148 |
SWHSE.83P | 183 |
nukewar 83readme.txt | 11991 |