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Sumo Carrier 2.1


Ranked as 5746 on our all-time top downloads list with 6636 downloads.
Ranked as 4514 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename sumo.zip (Download)
Title Sumo Carrier 2.1
Description Help Sumo deliver all the nice things people has ordered. You have to deliver the packages to the customers and return to the Sumo warehouse as soon as possible. There is a time limit so you better hurry up. If you fail, you may try again, but you are only allowed three tries before you get fired. Also, look out for the cars, because you don't want to be hurt, do you? There are two kinds of bonus symbols which you can pick up when you run into them. Besides getting some extra points these will give Sumo two different effects for a short while : invulnerability which ables you to walk through traffic stops and cars, and turbo speed which gives Sumo extra speed. Good luck!
Author Olivier Sangala (olivier.sangala@free.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 143,134 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Aug 29 19:06:21 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
sumo.9xy   7364
sumo.tpr   1318
sumo.v2y   7364
sumo.9xz   1786
sumo.89z   1786
sumo.c   21878
sumo.h   2096
sumo.o   23557
sumo.v2z   1786
sumo-Titanium.89z   1827
tilelib.c   5486
tilelib.h   1269
tilelib.o   4178
graphic/cars.bin   256
graphic/cars.bmp   3126
graphic/sumo.bin   512
graphic/sumo.bmp   1142
graphic/Thumbs.db   19456
graphic/tiles.bin   448
graphic/tiles.bmp   1014
extgraph.a   320930
extgraph.h   102954
fastop.h   1615
graphic.h   7735
kblib.c   4799
kblib.h   3518
kblib.o   4245
readme.txt   1025
screen.gif   5951
sumo.89y   7364

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