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RPG1 (the working version - oooooh yea)


Ranked as 25490 on our all-time top downloads list with 2342 downloads.
Ranked as 11515 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename rpg1.zip (Download)
Title RPG1 (the working version - oooooh yea)
Description I just realised that I'm really not as lazy as I thought and this version actually works! well, more or less. If anyone wants to be a pal and fix up some stuff, RPG guys the stats update system needs to be worked into the rest of the game. Oh and if you know anything about Jesuit HS in new orleans, or even better, go there, download this now. If any beginers out there are looking for a fairly simple file to use as an example, I recomend this. It's not all the technical and complex, so here's a good method to start off with. If you just started, or want a laugh, check out my game called simply "pointless story". It's my first work, but I'm still proud of it. Also included are some random files I made that I'm not sure what they are but have something to do with chemisty...either way, lazy people rejoice!
Author Brad Borne (bmb012@cox.net)
Category TI-86 BASIC Games
File Size 28,355 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Apr 6 20:11:17 2002
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
roup.86g   7986
HEM.86P   1020
bL.86p   3784
BS.86P   1911
ISTS.86P   5675
ENUS.86P   2378
1FI.86P   4562
1IT.86P   3352
1LV1.86P   7418
1LV2.86P   6825
1LV3.86P   2548
1LV4.86P   4972
1WON.86P   5557
RPG1.86P   3164
1EX.86p   3144
t min.txt   387

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