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[MLT³] - The Ultimate Math ToolKit v1.1


Ranked as 4361 on our all-time top downloads list with 7549 downloads.
Ranked as 13673 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename mathlisttrig.zip (Download)
Title [MLT³] - The Ultimate Math ToolKit v1.1
Description Tristan Dahl and Dojo Productions present ... the greatest math program to ever grace the TI 83 Plus: [MLT³] aka Math List Trig 3. Tons of functions, info, and options. Here's what you're in store for (read the MLT-readme.txt file for specifics): Operations - csc/sec/cot and their inverses, Law of cos, Law of sin, X= Grapher, Synthetic Division, Triangle Area (non-right), Polar to Rect (coordinates), Rect to Polar, Sector Formulas for Degrees AND Radians (find either Arc Length, Area, radius, or angle using any combination of 2 known parts), and Expansion of (ax + by)^r; List Formulas - Half-Angle, Double-Angle, Pythagorean Definitions, Addition (ex. sin(a+b)=..), Negatives, Cofunction; Options - toggle AutoSetting of modes for functions, and Ans options; Set Degree/Radian Mode from main menu without quitting (very useful). So in a nutshell, this program has everything a math student could want and then some. Download the latest and greatest edition to the Math List Trig series today!!! **NOTE: Fix for v1.1: fixed Synthetic division - the output now pauses and goes by each x power instead of all at once (so that more than 8 can work without complicated code).
Author Tristan Dahl (madtrumpet514@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 4,679 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 2 22:39:08 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
MLT3.8XP   11054
MLT-readme.txt   2217

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