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Duke 68k v1.02 (89, 92+, V200)


Ranked as 122 on our all-time top downloads list with 62515 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 418 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.79.

Filename duke68k.zip (Download)
Title Duke 68k v1.02 (89, 92+, V200)
Description This is the full major version v1.0 of Duke 68k, developed by JEsystems and Stephan Effelsberg. It includes a complete 11-level episode, a boss level, a mid-episode "mini-boss" level, water and swimming, lifts, dazzling heights, falling damage, weapon powerups, a HUD, and much more! Version v1.0 adds the full episode, sound, an intro toggle, a config file, finishing touches, and well-commented and quite structured code. This game requires 159,850 available bytes of RAM to run. v1.01 adds Voyage 200 support, and v1.02 reconfigured v200 keys and fixes a bug.
Authors Malcolm Smith (m@malcolm-s.net)
Michael Holt (psigoo@hotmail.com)
Stephan Effelsberg (stephan.effelsberg@gmx.de)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Shooters)
File Size 339,755 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Aug 17 11:19:11 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Duke/dlevel1.89y   5061
Duke/dlevel1.9xy   5061
Duke/dlevel10.89y   3673
Duke/dlevel10.9xy   3673
Duke/dlevel11.89y   368
Duke/dlevel11.9xy   368
Duke/dlevel2.89y   1843
Duke/dlevel2.9xy   1843
Duke/dlevel3.89y   3595
Duke/dlevel3.9xy   3595
Duke/dlevel4.89y   4622
Duke/dlevel4.9xy   4622
Duke/dlevel5.89y   2641
Duke/dlevel5.9xy   2641
Duke/dlevel6.89y   2934
Duke/dlevel6.9xy   2934
Duke/dlevel7.89y   4194
Duke/dlevel7.9xy   4194
Duke/dlevel8.89y   3416
Duke/dlevel8.9xy   3416
Duke/dlevel9.89y   6205
Duke/dlevel9.9xy   6205
Duke/duke.89y   36515
Duke/duke.89z   1793
Duke/duke.9xy   36515
Duke/duke.9xz   1793
Duke/dukedll.89y   14529
Duke/dukedll.9xy   14529
Duke/dukegfx.89y   14363
Duke/dukegfx.9xy   14363
Duke/dukelvls.89y   7332
Duke/dukelvls.89z   1793
Duke/dukelvls.9xy   7332
Duke/dukelvls.9xz   1793
Duke/readme.txt   14187
gameplay_files/blue_bg.jpg   5880
gameplay_files/terminal_after.gif   964
gameplay_files/terminal_before.gif   960
ss/1.gif   1350
ss/2.gif   2737
ss/3.gif   1719
ss/4.gif   2699
ss/5.gif   3258
ss/6.gif   3243
ss/7.gif   3973
ss/8.gif   3235
ss/9.gif   2132
gameplay.html   8148
readme.txt   13487
Duke/src.zip   82213

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