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Kirby's Quest 1.1


Ranked as 213 on our all-time top downloads list with 43573 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 139 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.51.

Filename kirby.zip (Download)
Title Kirby's Quest 1.1
Description This is a jump and run like Kirby's Dreamland. The features are: More than 30 enemies 9 Levels 3 Bosses 5 Powers Kirby can mimic PC-Editor
Author Krzysztof Rodak (chris@ais.li)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Platform)
File Size 222,485 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Mar 19 02:59:00 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Dan Slot
Reviewed on 2005-04-04
In one word, wow. An excellent game. I have played a lot of games for the TI-89 (I have a Titanium) and this is definitely one of the best. Gameplay is quick and responsive and graphics are smooth and well defined. The compatibility is obviously good, because it works on my Titanium without a patch. Kirby's Quest also has plenty of room to expand upon. By that I mean new levels could be added, there could be new types of enemies, and Kirby could gain more powers. I would highly recommend “Kirby’s Quest” to anyone.

Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics: 9.5/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Kirby/89/kirby.89y   28228
Kirby/89/kirby.89z   1159
Kirby/89/ReadMe.txt   2614
Kirby/92+/kirby.9xy   28660
Kirby/92+/kirby.9xz   1159
Kirby/92+/ReadMe.txt   2603
Kirby/boss1.89y   149
Kirby/boss2.89y   168
Kirby/boss3.89y   212
Kirby/Editor/Calc/89/editor.89z   15373
Kirby/Editor/Calc/89/Level Editor.txt   3791
Kirby/Editor/Calc/89/wc.89z   2975
Kirby/Editor/Calc/89/World-Creator.txt   205
Kirby/Editor/Calc/92+/editor.9xz   15271
Kirby/Editor/Calc/92+/Level Editor.txt   3804
Kirby/Editor/Calc/92+/wc.9xz   2909
Kirby/Editor/Calc/92+/World-Creator.txt   203
Kirby/Editor/Calc/V200/editor.v2z   15271
Kirby/Editor/Calc/V200/Level Editor.txt   3804
Kirby/Editor/Calc/V200/wc.v2z   2909
Kirby/Editor/Calc/V200/World-Creator.txt   203
Kirby/Editor/PC/backgraph.89y   3904
Kirby/Editor/PC/dass.bmp   1334
Kirby/Editor/PC/dumm.ddd   2
Kirby/Editor/PC/Graphs/tiles.bmp   1334
Kirby/Editor/PC/hae.hae   2
Kirby/Editor/PC/KPCE.exe   65536
Kirby/Editor/PC/main.kgfx.89y   18029
Kirby/Editor/PC/main.kirbgfx.89y   24241
Kirby/Editor/PC/readme.txt   1122
Kirby/kgfx.89y   18029
Kirby/kirbgfx.89y   42193
Kirby/klevcas1.89y   6938
Kirby/klevcl1.89y   6055
Kirby/klevcl2.89y   4544
Kirby/klevis1.89y   2174
Kirby/klevis2.89y   4421
Kirby/klevjun1.89y   6853
Kirby/klevjun2.89y   3964
Kirby/klevmo1.89y   1121
Kirby/kworld.89y   190
Kirby/mo2.89y   3072
Kirby/V200/kirby.v2y   28660
Kirby/V200/kirby.v2z   1159
Kirby/V200/ReadMe.txt   2599

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