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MegaCar v1.1


Ranked as 27 on our all-time top downloads list with 170417 downloads.
Ranked as 3170 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 162 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.46.

Filename megacar.zip (Download)
Title MegaCar v1.1
Description A fast-paced birds-eye-view racing game. Features fast scrolling, high scores with initials, eight external levels, an external Windows level editor, and a track converter which lets you use tracks from the TI-86 version.
Authors Jonah Cohen (jonah@jonah.ticalc.org)
paul248 (porter) (paul@pmarks.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Games
File Size 87,226 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 28 16:31:05 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  jordan butler
Reviewed on 2005-11-11
“MegaCar” is a very engaging game that keeps you going and is very challenging. The game comes with 8 tracks, so it always has a record for you to beat. It is very addictive. I got this a few months ago and I’m still playing it. It is an application, so just hit [ALPHA] + [M] and you’re there. It also has a cool starting screen.

You can also make your own track but I have yet to try it out. The controls are very responsive and game play is phenomenal. But it would be better if there was more than one top score per track, maybe 3 per track, and an over view of the track in a corner would be nice. But now I'm being picky.

So I rate this game a 5 out of 5.

See 4 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MTRACK2.8XP   1214
levelselect.gif   1313
mc83plc.exe   45056
Megacar Level Editor.exe   60416
MTRACK1.8XP   1116
source/mc83plc/mc83plc.cpp   7482
source/megacar/carsprites.asm   994
source/megacar/directinput.asm   1311
source/megacar/megacar.asm   34820
source/megacar/megacar.zws   2544
source/megacar/rottable.asm   16704
source/megacar/sintable.asm   555
source/megacar/text.asm   496
source/megacar/tiles.asm   9712
source/megacar/titlescreen.asm   1934
MTRACK3.8XP   1389
MTRACK4.8XP   1211
MTRACK5.8XP   1086
MTRACK6.8XP   1366
MTRACK7.8XP   1339
MTRACK8.8XP   1393
race.gif   997
readme.txt   3711
titlescreen.gif   1412
megacar.8xk   24420

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