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The Quill Adventure Writer


Ranked as 5712 on our all-time top downloads list with 6642 downloads.
Ranked as 32710 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename quillwrt.zip (Download)
Title The Quill Adventure Writer
Description The Quill Adventure Writer is a complex software which allows creation of text adventure games (which optionally may be illustrated) without any knowledge of conventional programming, using specially designed non-procedural language (QADL). The game engine is similar as the engine included with the "Collection of Classical Text Adventures", but much more powerful. This is a complete development system which includes the game engine, the QADL compiler (more precise, the plugin for the famous TIGCC compiler which allows compiling QADL sources as well), the detailed user manual (123 pages) with the tutorial, example sources, and various useful tools. Note that this software requires that TIGCC crosscompiler is also installed on the computer.
Author Zeljko Juric (zjuric@utic.net.ba)
Category Windows Assembly Utilities
File Size 501,607 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 15 17:53:43 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
quill.89z   8273
quill.9xz   8273
quill.drv   27662
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Castle.89z   7617
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Castle.9xz   7617
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Drawdemo.89z   3041
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Drawdemo.9xz   3041
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Island.89z   11757
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Island.9xz   11757
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Ransom.89z   13661
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Ransom.9xz   13661
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Escape.89z   5769
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Jewel.89z   9465
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Ticket.89z   7757
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Escape.9xz   5769
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Jewel.9xz   9465
Examples/Demos/Compiled/Ticket.9xz   7757
Examples/Demos/Sources/Castle.qll   37773
Examples/Demos/Sources/Castle.tpr   340
Examples/Demos/Sources/Drawdemo.tpr   325
Examples/Demos/Sources/Drawdemo.qll   1569
Examples/Demos/Sources/Island.tpr   321
Examples/Demos/Sources/Island.qll   36463
Examples/Demos/Sources/Ransom.qll   50238
Examples/Demos/Sources/Ransom.tpr   323
Examples/Demos/Sources/Escape.tpr   323
Examples/Demos/Sources/Jewel.tpr   319
Examples/Demos/Sources/Ticket.tpr   323
Examples/Demos/Sources/Escape.qll   32688
Examples/Demos/Sources/Jewel.qll   33000
Examples/Demos/Sources/Ticket.qll   43628
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Compiled/Icest0.9xz   43301
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Compiled/Icest0.89z   43301
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Sources/Icest0.tpr   321
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Sources/Icest0.qll   93280
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Sources/Is0raw.qll   98714
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Sources/Is0pic.qll   37467
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Sources/Is0picXX.qll   36021
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Sources/Is0picXX.tpr   325
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Sources/Is0pic.tpr   321
Examples/Ice Station Zero/Sources/Is0raw.tpr   321
Tools/sna2quil.exe   67134
Sources/Interpreter/quill.c   30946
Sources/Sna2quil/sna2quil.c   22105
template.qll   1891
manual.doc   615936
readme.txt   4191
syncolor.reg   36201

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